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Friday, January 13, 2012

Lessons of Change

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. 
Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. 
Let reality be reality. 
Let things flow naturally forward 
in whatever way they like.  
                                                                                 ~Lao tzu

Change is upon us...
...autumn lingered into the New Year.
A beautiful January day
graced with warm sun and 55°.
A Perfect hiking-day.
And then the sunset
on autumn's beauty....
....giving way to winter.

as Mother reveals the bone structure 
of her landscape...the loneliness of it, 
the silence of winter....  

...driving us inward to seek  the gentle comforts of quiet and love. 

Something waits beneath the snow, 
the whole story doesn't show. 
Hold tight...
When the night has been too lonely 
and the road has been too long 
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows 
lies the seed that 
with the sun's love 
in the spring 
becomes the rose.
Hold fast to the
lessons and gifts
of change.


Meghan said...

Your post captures these past few days very nicely. I love your photo series. And nice wood-burning stove!

Rose Anderson said...

So very true. Beautiful pictures as always. :) I walked the dogs to the maypole circle just two days ago and noticed the pussy willows made a sad early showing. I fear they won't return come spring. Still, the Mother is resilient...you never know!

Thanks for sharing Sue. :)

Leslie said...

those milkweed photos are just stunning, as is the photo of that wintery stream. (and i love the two pups, sleeping nose-to-nose :)