I am glad you have stopped by

Thank-you for stopping by. I hope you will linger a moment and enjoy these offerings. May you journey on the joy path this day.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


“There are no random acts...We are all connected...
You can no more separate one life from another 
than you can separate a breeze from the wind...” 
                                         ― Mitch Albom
...from the generations of family
and all of Nature's Creations.....
God writes the gospel 
not in the Bible alone, 
but in families of.... 


           butterflies and.... 

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. 
We are but one thread within it. 
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. 
All things are bound together. 
All things connect.”

We each live, move,
and have our being
in the great Circle of Life.
Let us 
Bless and Embrace it all.


Anonymous said...

How perfect to have the Sun as a focus when reading your post. The Sun is truly the focus of what we all revolve around in this physical world. In our spiritual world, we thrive in the Circle of Life if we chose to recognize the great gift of Life.

Cindy said...

Sometimes when I am very, very still, I can hear the vibratory hum of the connections between all in the Web of Life. Thank you for reminding me to take the time to feel those connections.