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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thoughts on change

.....from Ecclesiastes
To every thing there is a season, 
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born,

                   and a time to die                 
      ...and I asked her

"What happened--why this?"
And she told me,
"Once, I was strong and healthy
just like you,
full of life〜doing my life's work.
But then, I grew old until finally,
 the winds of change toppled me."

 Now, I become that which nourishes new     life.
...for you see,

What your are, I once was,
and what I am now,
you will one day become."


Mary said...

this reminds me of a trip to Chumsford Mass. in 1999 where I randomly found myself in a cemetary reading headstones. One of the headstones said that this person was once where I was standing and someday I would be where they are. Ohhhhh.

Anonymous said...

Some change is adventurous, some change is frightening. Some people fear change, others thrive on it. Try to imagine life without change. Pretty dull, it would seem!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

There is indeed a season for everything as Solomon said. Let's make the most of each one as it comes.

S. Etole said...

A new season is in the air ... slower to come here than in some places.