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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Emgrace life with Deep Peace

In the early morning hours, as the sun is just beginning to rise in the eastern sky, 
I stand spell-bound,
 watching the herons on my pond.

They stand like silent statues~at perfect peace with their day. 
They wait with exquisite patience
for the offerings of the day.

Herons are loners by nature teaching gentle lessons about living the solo journey.....  
how to embrace life with deep peace, sinking deeply into the "STILLPOINT" 
of each successive moment.  

If heron enters your life, think about of positive aspects of alone-time.
 Let your soul awaken to the gentleness of the moment.  
Travel lightly, stay balanced, and 
face into the winds of time.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Thank you. Heron is here, and I need to appreciate all the wisdom it offers. Blessings for sharing them.