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Friday, September 16, 2011

It's friendship, friendship,
Just a perfect blendship,
When other friendships have been forgot
Ours will still be hot!

What can be more wonderful than the inexpressible comfort of companionship.  The closeness and comfort that sustains life.  I watch my my four-footed friends and they become a metaphor for my life.  They stay close and they play together---sometimes they have WORDS, but the heat of the moment soon passes with not hint of lingering resentment or lust to 'get back at'.  They spend time just looking meditatively out the window--studying all that they see or resting in complete secure comfort.  What are they thinking, I wonder.  Perhaps they just live in the 'Still-Point' of their lives, content with what ever the day may bring.  They always respond with excitement to a visit from a friend or family member; a tasty treat; a walk in the woods; the dream of catching that squirrel or chipper; or the warmth of the evening fire.
Whatever they are contemplating, they will put it into action as they can and be fully content living in the 'now' until then. They are the most accepting and forgiving of companions--always embracing their day and everyone in it. They remain steadfast in their love for each other and who ever is at the other end of the leash.  Can we learn from them the great lessons of life?

"To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.'  ~Milan Kundera


Anonymous said...

How true this is! When my cockatiel takes flight, lands on the floor and walks over to my border collie, you see beak and nose softly touching in friendship. A special relationship.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures and even better words. What beautiful moments!

Cindy said...

I do believe we could all learn much from the four legged friends in our lives...

Anonymous said...

They are the example of true contentment!

S. Etole said...

This is such a picture of comfort and contentment. Content to be in the moment. I really like that quote.