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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Going out to come in...

 This is the Water-course way.  Some leaves land on the water sitting on top while others sink...to rest in suspended animation.

We all seem to alternate from active floating to 'suspended-animation.  I treasure the view from the top.  The view is clean, clear, and spacious. 
Nature draws me in to her loveliness and i lose myself...

"for whatever we lose (like a you or a me),
it's always our self we find in the sea."
~e.e. cummings


Anonymous said...

I love the Muir quote. the pics are always lovely.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue,

Your blog.....your heartfelt sharings....that you give to all of us are so inspiring and amazing. Some of your phrases....'autumn of my years'.....linger long within our souls! I am most grateful that you are willing to share your musings, and your beautiful photography, with all of us.................may you find the desire to continue this....

Wishing you Peace, Love, and Blessings,
Betty Andrysiak
Your Croning Ceremony must have been so wonderful....many congratulations!

Cindy said...

Sometimes I have to spend some time in the submerged state, quiet and patient. If I remain open and allow it, I eventually float back up to thew surface. Thanks for reminding both states are equally valuable.