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Thursday, October 13, 2011

....there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.

Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. (...Tolkien)

I started my spiritual journey when I was just a child.  
I have searched and searched over the years~defining and re-defining my understanding of God.  
But, as the years rolled on, I was drawn deeper and deeper 
into Nature and the universality of love.  
And, my belief solidified within the words of ee cummins:
"love is the every only god
who spoke this earth so glad and big...".
It is the love and wide-embrace of all and everything that nourishes the soul and grows the spirit.
This journey into God is a seepage, as Toynbee says, slow seepage, an advancing tide, 
not a sudden event with a climatic point.
If we remain open and attentative, 
God enters-in bringing light and meaning to our lives.  
Stay attentative, for it grows 
and at any moment can suddenly explode 
into unimaginable beauty and peace.
Yes, love is the every only God---open yourself up wide....

...sit with the God of your understanding 
and soak in the love and then...
.......let yourself be swept away.


Anonymous said...

Great blog..

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue,

Your blog.....your heartfelt sharings....that you give to all of us are so inspiring and amazing. Some of your phrases....'autumn of my years'.....linger long within our souls! I am most grateful that you are willing to share your musings, and your beautiful photography, with all of us.................may you find the desire to continue this....

Wishing you Peace, Love, and Blessings,
Betty Andrysiak
Your Croning Ceremony must have been so wonderful....many congratulations!

S. Etole said...

I wasn't acquainted with Tolkien's quote ... life is an adventure. I'm so glad the Lord guides my steps.